Navigating the winter months in Traverse City as a property manager can feel like an uphill battle. Balancing the demands of winter weather with the need to prevent accidents and maintain operations is no small feat.

So, how do you ensure your commercial property remains safe and accessible amid relentless snow and ice?

The key to managing these winter hazards lies in careful planning and proactive measures. By taking a strategic approach to snow and ice management you can ensure your property remains safe and operational throughout the season.

Let’s explore why effective snow and ice management is important and present you with some tips for how to keep your property safe this winter.

The Importance of Snow and Ice Management at Commercial Properties

When planning for snow removal services in the Traverse City area, safety is obviously everyone’s first priority. Effective snow and ice management is crucial for preventing accidents and injuries on commercial properties. Walkways, parking lots, and entrances must remain safe for employees, customers and visitors. By prioritizing safety, businesses can maintain accessibility and continue operating smoothly during winter storms, avoiding disruptions that can impact daily operations and profitability.

Diligent snow and ice management also reflects positively on a business’s reputation and trust within the community. No one wants to frequent a store or office known for its treacherous parking lot and slippery sidewalks during the winter months. Ensuring that your property is well-maintained and safe encourages continued patronage and builds customer loyalty.

cat 950 loader in front of big pile of snow

Finally, proper snow removal cuts down on liability risks, reducing the changes of costly legal claims from slip and fall accidents. It also helps prevent property damage caused by accumulated snow and ice or vehicle damage. Overall, snow and ice management protects your investment and helps to maintain the appeal of your commercial property.

Best Practices for Ice Management

Effective ice management is crucial for maintaining safety and accessibility on commercial properties during the winter months. Here are some tips to hep you manage ice efficiently:

  1. Use Brine for Ice Control

Brine, a mixture of salt and water, is highly effective in preventing ice from forming and adhering to surfaces. It works by lowering the freezing point of water, making it an excellent pre-treatment before a storm. Brine is particularly beneficial because it can be applied in advance, creating a barrier that prevents ice build-up. To learn about all the additional benefits of brine, check out this blog we wrote.

  1. Understand the Limitations of Rock Salt

While rock salt is still a common de-icing agent, it loses effectiveness at temperatures below fifteen degrees Fahrenheit. In extremely cold conditions, alternative solutions like calcium chloride or brine are necessary to ensure surfaces remain ice-free. It’s important to monitor weather conditions and adjust your ice management strategy accordingly.

salt on sidewalk with snow

  1. Avoid Oversalting

Excessive use of salt can harm plants, soil, and the overall environment of Traverse City. Salt runoff can damage landscaping, contaminate groundwater, and negatively impact our local ecosystem. To mitigate these effects, apply de-icers only in necessary amounts. Brine is a great alternative because it is applied as a liquid instead of in rock form, which can bounce easily into planting beds or sewer drains.

  1. Ask for Ice Melter Buckets at Entrances

With the ever-changing weather conditions in our area, it is not possible for your snow removal provider to address every ice spot immediately. Ask them to provide you with buckets of ice melter at the building entrances to allow employees to quickly take action against icy patches. This proactive approach helps maintain safety when the snow removal team isn’t on-site and prevents accidents caused by unexpected ice formation.

  1. Regular Monitoring and Reapplication

Continuous monitoring of high-traffic areas is essential for effective ice management. Reapply de-icers as needed, especially in pathways and parking lots. Regular inspections can help identify trouble spots that may require additional attention. During the winter months, your snow removal contractor should be inspecting your property daily.

Best Practices for Commercial Snow Removal

Efficient snow removal at large commercial properties can be more difficult than it looks. Here are some tips to ensure safe and effective snow removal:

  1. Use Strategic Snow Piling Techniques

When clearing snow, it’s important to pile it in areas that do not obstruct visibility for drivers or pedestrians. Avoid piling snow near entrances, exits, or intersections where it can create blind spots. Designate specific areas for snow storage that are away from high-traffic zones, offer proper drainage during times of melt, and do not block essential sightlines.

  1. Hire Expertly Trained Professionals

Engaging a team of professionally trained snow removal experts is crucial. Experienced professionals know how to handle snow removal equipment properly, minimizing the risk of damage to your property. They are also skilled in identifying and mitigating potential hazards, ensuring that walkways, parking lots, and driveways are safely cleared without harming landscaping or infrastructure.

front loader pushes snow

  1. Use the Right Equipment

The right equipment is essential for efficient and safe snow removal. When interviewing a snow removal contractor, discuss what type of equipment they plan to use for your property. Ensure they select modern, well-maintained equipment that is suited for the size and layout of your property.

Additional Snow Removal Safety Tips

To ensure comprehensive and effective snow removal, it’s important to take steps beyond standard procedures. Before the winter season begins, organize a detailed pre-season meeting with your snow removal service.

How can this help with safety? It gives you a chance to walk through the property and identify problem areas you know of such as high-traffic zones, uneven surfaces, and frequently used entrances. Discuss specific concerns and tailor your snow removal plan to address these issues specifically.

Partnering with Experienced Snow Removal Experts

Managing snow and ice on commercial properties requires diligent planning and effective execution. The complexities of winter weather can be overwhelming, but with a well-thought-out strategy and the right expertise, you can navigate these challenges successfully.

At TruNorth Landscaping, we understand the unique demands of winter property maintenance and are committed to helping you keep your property safe and accessible. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing reliable snow removal services that prioritize safety and ensure your business operates smoothly, even during the harshest weather conditions.

Ready to keep your commercial property safe and accessible this winter? Fill out our contact form today to connect with our team and begin crafting your tailored snow management plan.

Get started today with a consultation!

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