There is a lot to take into consideration when planting flowers at your home in Northern Michigan. While we live in arguably one of the most beautiful places in the world, the climate can be a little harsh for plants.
The climate of Michigan varies greatly even when traveling only a few hours north or south, so be sure to look for plants that are categorized as Zone 5 plants. These flowers and grasses will do the best in our wintery weather and warm summers without dying or suffering. Some Zone 6 plants can make it, but consult with a professional before planting any of these in your yard!
Perennials are plants or flowers that do NOT need to be planted each year. They need maintenance in the Spring and/or Fall, but they come back looking beautiful for you year after year. Be sure to plant proper distance apart and deep enough in the soil. To learn how to plant your perennials, check out this blog.
If you need any help making decisions, creating a plan, or planting, don’t hesitate to call. Happy planting!
Our three favorite Perennials for Northern Michigan are geraniums, cone flowers, and fall sunflowers.
Photo courtesy of Proven Winners –
Curious about other types of plantings? Check out these blogs featured in our Planting Series!
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